11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting and New Member Training begins at 1400 hours at Emory Johns Creek Hospital. Contact Joanne  if you’d like to attend.
11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting and New Member Training begins at 1400 hours at Emory Johns Creek Hospital. Contact Joanne  if you’d like to attend.
11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting

11th Hour Squadron Meeting and New Member Training begins at 1400 hours at Emory Johns Creek Hospital. Contact Joanne  if you’d like to attend.
JCVA Membership Meeting

JCVA Membership Meeting

JCVA Membership Meeting for Johns Creek Veterans Association, takes place at  3125 Old Alabama Rd in Johns, Creek, GA. 30022 on the 4th Thursday each month. Full hot course meal served 6PM for only $10. Meeting is from 7-8PM. Friendly group of U.S. Veterans. Come...