11th Hour Squadron – No One Left Alone – JCVA
The 11th Hour Squadron is an all-volunteer organization that believes in taking care of dying veterans like family. We can be there at a loved one’s bedside during those final nights when family members are at home getting much-needed rest.
Our Volunteers serve at the pleasure of the family as an extension of them, not as part of the medical team. We’ll be there as a support to get water and ice chips, answer the phone, or call a nurse when the patient cannot.
Most importantly, we’re there to listen. In the quiet of the night, one can share traumatic memories from long ago that only another veteran can understand. This can help provide a more peaceful passing.
Proudly Sponsored By Emory Johns Creek Hospital

Volunteers Needed
Most families prefer to have a family member sit with their dying veteran at all times but that can be tough. Some families are small or loved ones are scattered far and wide. That’s where the 11th Hour Squadron can help!
Volunteers primarily serve between 9pm and 9am, during the final week or two of life. As we are able to add more trained volunteers to our roster, shift length and availability will change. Some of our volunteers serve as a couple.
If you are a veteran, or have a veteran in your immediate family, and would like to volunteer with us, please get in touch. You have more to offer than you might think!

IF YOUR LOVED ONE is near death and you would like our service, please use the form below, adding the Vet’s name, military branch, and present facility location in the Message Space. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.
We'd Love To Hear From You

Who We Serve
The 11th Hour Squadron supports honorably discharged American veterans of any service branch as death is approaching. Priority is given to members of the Johns Creek Veterans Association and members of the local VetBuds organization. However, when time and resources permit, we envision being able to provide even more veterans with support services.
Where We Serve
11th Hour Squadron volunteers provide services for patients in hospitals, hospice centers, assisted living facilities, and rehabilitation centers within a 20 mile radius of Johns Creek. We are unable to serve in private homes.

Our Why - Submarine Mike
Our founders had the idea for the 11th Hour Squadron after a dear friend and selfless JCVA member, “Submarine Mike”, died alone at midnight, in a local rehabilitation center. Mike was a decorated United States Navy veteran who served in multiple theatres.
We know that at the eleventh hour, many veterans share memories or stories that they may have never discussed before. Mike had an extended conversation with a fellow veteran less than twelve hours before he died.
In Mike’s honor, we will support veterans and their families, doing our best to ensure that no one is left alone.

The 11th Hour Squadron serves as an extension of a veteran’s family, providing companionship and emotional support during the final stages of life. Volunteers offer a comforting presence and a listening ear to alleviate feelings of loneliness and fear, fostering a safe environment for veterans to share their stories and reflections.